Sunday 17 June, 2007

khali wwe friends

The Great Khali is a very gentle and nice person in real life, while wrestling therefore, he has made many friends back stage as well. Some of his friends in the Wrestling industry therefore are:
Giant Silva: Giant Silva and Khali are good friends in real life, they teamed up in the New Japan Pro wrestling as Club Seven and since then they have been good buddies. While in Japan, they used to train and perform together.
The Great Khali in New Japan Pro Wrestling
Viscera: Viscera the Giant wrestler is also one of Khali's friends, these two people are good buddies and you can see them in the locker room relaxing together, sometimes both of these guys go out together and when they do, they are the centre of amusement for everyone.
The Big Show:The Big Show and The Great Khali are good friends in real life, due to their towering heights, both of these guys take out time and help improvise each other's moves. Currently because the Big Show is out due to injury, The Great Khali regularly visits him to know his state.
The Great Khali with The Big show chokeslamming Undertaker
The Great Khali has made many more real life friends out of the wrestling ring but these were the only ones we at could find evidence for. Talking about on-screen appearance of The Great Khali though, in the WWE ring, he has been friends with Shawn Daivari, his introducer and first on-screen manager, with Big Show (part of his feud with the Undertaker), Edge (Adam Copeland) has been his supporter on several occasions and Khali has been known to support the woman wrestler Melina once in beating up Ashley Massaro, cause unknown as of yet.

khali in raw

The Great Khali comes to RAW!
Khali's latest match results at the Feud with Cena Page
On the 8th of January, The Great Khali made his debut at RAW, after wrestling for quite some time in ECW. That night on RAW, John Cena came to the ring and was talking about Armando Alejandro Estrada's victory over him, saying that it was a fluke and that Armando was a loser. Cena then challanged Umaga for a matchup, but Coachman came out and told Cena that he had given Umaga rest and he was not scheduled to appear this night.
John Cena looked dismayed, but then Coachman told him that instead of Umaga, Cena would go on to face the latest appearance on RAW, The Great Khali. (This took Cena aback a bit, seemingly) The Great Khali then appeared at the main Event on that night and faced John Cena for a non-title match, in which Armando appeared as the commentator, when Khali was on the other side of the ring, Armando took a chair and tried to hit Cena with it, but failed.
Cena took the chair and hit Khali with it, upon which Khali was declared the winner of the match by disqualification, The Great Khali then proceeded to destroy Cena.
On the next episode of RAW on 15th January 2007, Vince McMahon was going on with his feud with Donald Trump and called out Torrie Wilson dressed as Miss USA (forcibly) and then harassed her in the ring, responding to which Carlito came out and told Vince that he and his stupid skits were not cool at all and the fans wanted real action.
Vince told Carlito that if the fans and Carlito appreciated real action then Carlito would have a match that night with The Great Khali. The Great Khali then came and destroyed Carlito as Torrie watched and cried.
Next week on the 22nd, Coachman put up John Cena in a mini Royal Rumble (Prelude to the upcoming Royal Rumble) with the main goal to eliminate John Cena for winning, many wrestlers came in (all jobber heels) and dominated Cena, but then Khali came in, threw away all the heel wrestlers and took out John Cena, destroying him completely, Khali then left Cena in the ring and walked away. It is said that The Great Khali won this match, however, there was no official announcement or such.
On January 28th, 2007 at the Royal Rumble, The Great Khali was in the main event, which was The Royal Rumble, he came in at the No. 28 and took out SEVEN wrestlers, in this order:- Hardcore Holly, Chris Benoit, Mike "The Miz" Mizanin, Rob Van Dam, C.M. Punk, Carlito Cool and Chavo Guerrero. This was one of the most dominating scenes in WWE History (and according to some, one of the funniest, since all Wrestlers were dwarfed by Khali) The Great Khali headbutted and threw all of the seven wrestlers out in a row, before being finally eliminated by The Undertaker when The Undertaker clotheslined him out.
Next night on the 29th, The Great Khali literally squashed Jeff Hardy, the match was an intercontinental title match, but Khali didn't go for the title, and instead chopped Hardy outside the ring, which knocked him out cold, Khali then did his signature "Stronger than you" taunt, during which the referee counted out Hardy, therefore securing Khali the win (but not the title, since this was a countout win)
On February 12th at RAW, Khali was put up in a match against Eugene (Nick Dinsmore) and it started with Eugene trying to offer Khali a stuffed toy, The Great Khali responded by throwing it away, and then Khali squashed Eugene, ending the match with a Chokebomb and by pinning Eugene by putting his boot on Eugene's chest.
Next week, on 19th February 2007, a Handicap match was set up, with The Highlanders Robbie and Rory McAllistair against The Great Khali. Needless to say, The Great Khali defeated them pretty easily, and scored the win.
23rd February - 1st April: Feud with Kane (Click to Go there for full details)
After Wrestlemania was over, The Great Khali was briefly out of action for several weeks, but WWE continuously aired promos of him "coming to RAW" soon. It was at this time that the WWE went on a European Promotional Tour. On RAW, 23rd April, Carlito was scheduled to have a match against The Great Khali at London, England. Carlito asked Ric Flair not to help him in this match (Torrie didn't accompany Carlito as well) but nevertheless Khali easily squashed Carlito, even when Carlito tried his best. After the match Carlito was seen shouting something at Ric Flair in Spanish.
30th April - Present: Feud with John Cena (Click to Go there for full details and latest match updates)

khali in smackdown

The Great Khali made his first Smackdown appearance as an unnamed monster. At that moment of time there was a match for one fall going against The Undertaker and Mark Henry, because The Undertaker had a feud with Mark.
The Great Khali with Daivari on SMACKDOWN!
The Undertaker had almost won the match when The Great Khali made an appearance and totally destroyed The Undertaker, the match was thus declared as a no-contest. Shawn Daivari was The Great Khali's on screen manager at this time and he was also with Khali when he came and destroyed The Undertaker.
The next week at SMACKDOWN! The Great Khali made an appearance with Daivari again when Daivari Introduced the Great Khali to everyone. Daivari said things like "The Great Khali has stared into the abyss, and the Earth has trembled at his Gaze" "The Great Khali has wrestled the Royal Bengal Tiger" and "The Great Khali is from the Punjab Jungles of India". Nothing of this is true in real life, but it did provide a good on-screen start to The Great Khali.
Daivari praising The Great Khali
Afterwards Daivari gave the Microphone to The Great Khali, but the commentators could not understand what he said since The Great Khali was speaking in Hindi and Punjabi. There was no fighting involved in this appearance however. The Great Khali probably said "Undertaker, Main hoon Khali" followed by something in Punjabi which we at could not understand.
The Great Khali shouting on the microphone
In the next edition of SMACKDOWN! The Great Khali made his debut in ring and his first match was against Sho Funaki which was a Squash match, The Great Khali defeated Funaki with ease while showing off the huge amount of physical strength he posesses.
On the 5th of May at SMACKDOWN! A fatal four way match between cruiserweights was taking place, the participants were Vito, Nunzio, Kid Kash and Super Crazy. The Great Khali interfered and knocked all four participants out cold and proceeded with his regular chants and display of power. All of the participants of the fatal four way match seemed like Toys in the hands of Khali, being thrown around the way they were.
At this moment of time there was a feud going on between Rey Mysterio and John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL), and JBL most supposedly "hired" The Great Khali as the assassin of Rey Mysterio. The match proceeded as JBL watched on as a guest commentator.
The infamous David versus Goliath Picture
Needless to say, the little Rey Mysterio couldn't compete all that well against The Great Khali and lost to him. A few wrestling enthusiasts have termed this particular fight in Wrestling History as the match between "David and Goliath" referring to the story in The Holy Bible. However David (Rey Mysterio) had little luck this time. This match was a non-title Match so The Great Khali did not win The World Heavyweight Championship from Mysterio.
The Great Khali's feud with The Undertaker had already began at this time, and in the SMACKDOWN! edition of next week, Shawn Daivari did a promotional appearance and talked against The Undertaker. The Great Khali shouted on the Microphone as well on this appearance, after this appearance, The Great Khali was given a matchup against The Undertaker on Judgment Day.
The Great Khali and Daivari Taunting the Undertaker
May 21st was a date The Great Khali will remember all of his life because that was the day he got his first shot in a Special Event of WWE, The Judgment Day, by this time The Great Khali had got a lot of heat from the supporters of The Undertaker and the match was much awaited for. It could also be noted that Judgment Day got a nice response this time from the WWE Fans, the audience turnout was nearly 16,000, about 6,000 people more from the last Judgment day in 2005.
The much anticipated matchup against The Undertaker saw The Great Khali dominating throughout, as he landed his Brainchops, Headbutts, Clotheslines, Double Handed Chokeslams on the Undertaker, The Great Khali LITERALLY destroyed The Undertaker at this event. The Great Khali then finished the match with his finishing move "The Big Boot" which he put to Undertaker's Chest. The Great Khali then proceeded to pin The Undertaker. The match ran for Eight Minutes and Thirty one seconds exact.
The Great Khali locking eyes with The Undertaker
After this match, The Great Khali took a brief hiatus off the WWE SMACKDOWN! and wrestled in a few matches at the DSW for sharpening his skills. However this time he appeared on the DSW as The Great Khali and not Dalip Singh. However on the Second date of June, The Great Khali appeared on Rowdy Roddy Piper's in-ring show at SMACKDOWN! called "The Piper's Pit" where The Great Khali put Rowdy out cold after Rowdy began praising the Undertaker and called Khali a wrestler with no skills.
On 9th June The Great Khali came back to SMACK DOWN! and attacked Paul London, Brian London and Super Crazy in their respective matches, throwing them here and there with ease just like he did last time. Next week on SMACKDOWN! he was put into a match against the Mexicools Tag team which featured the cruiserweights Super Crazy and Psichosis. Needless to say they could hardly put any competition against The Great Khali and failed miserably. With The Great Khali brainchopping them.
The Great Khali puts Super Crazy in a body Bag
It was at this particular point of time that The Great Khali started mocking the gimmick of The Undertaker which involved a blue light coming all over the arena and the Great Khali getting on one of his knees acting like the Phenom.
On 23rd June Tatanka was having a match for one fall against Simon Dean, when all of a sudden the Great Khali interfered and destroyed both of them, this caused the match to end in a no-contest. Post two weeks The Great Khali was put in a matchup against Tatanka which was scheduled for one fall. The Great Khali defeated Tatanka with ease just like he had defeated everyone else prior to this match.
The Great Khali wrestling Tatanka
With help from Daivari, The Great Khali then proceeded to put Tatanka in a black Body Bag and carried it to the locker room with him. But before carrying the body bag away, Daivari called out the Undertaker into the ring and challanged him to a Punjabi Prison match with The Undertaker, Daivari then shouted out at the Undertaker to respond to the challange, when the lights start going on and off and the arena was sounded with a message.
On July 15th at Saturday Night Main Event, Daivari called The Great Khali "The True Phenom of the WWE", upon hearing this, The Big Show came out and walked towards the ring. Paul Heyman was with The Big Show as well, The Big show told The Great Khali in a friendly tone "Whooo.... man YOU'RE A BIG BOY!". (Pointing out to Khali being taller than him) Then after a moment of self praising, The Big Show said that he was there to put Khali "over" (Putting someone over means to praise them in order to boost their confidence) and praised The Great Khali for what he had done to The Undertaker.
The Great Khali "Big Boy"
Afterwards The Undertaker came out and clotheslined The Great Khali over the top rope, but The Great Khali got back in, The Undertaker grabbed The Great Khali's throat with one hand and Big show's throat with the other, attempting for a duo chokeslam, but both Khali and Big show reversed the move and changed it to a Double chokeslam leaving the Undertaker out cold. The Big Show later commented in an interview that The Great Khali was dominant but not the EXTREME Giant (which was something he reserved for himself, since he is a real extremist, because he is very tall and at the same time very fat).
Three days later The Great Khali came and interfered in the match at ECW between The Big Show and The Undertaker when Khali and The Big Show chokeslammed Undertaker through the Announcer's table. The match was declared a no-contest and not a Disqualification because it was The Great Khali who interfered and it was involuntary on The Big Show's part.
After this WWE SMACKDOWN began hyping up the long awaited matchup between The Undertaker and The Great Khali at The Great American Bash which was going to happen on 23rd July. However The Great Khali was removed from the match one day before because of off-screen Health reasons (See Khali's Health). On SMACKDOWN! the removal was worded as a "Suspension because of attacking the Undertaker".
The Punjabi Prison match then took place between The Big Show and The Undertaker. In which The Undertaker won by escaping the Prison's bamboo walls. Afterwards when Undertaker was having a one-fall match with King Booker, The Great Khali interfered and knocked Undertaker out, but the Undertaker sat back up and clotheslined Khali over the ropes and then challanged The Great Khali for a Last man standing match at The Great American Bash, which The Great Khali accepted next week.
Theodore Long, GM of SMACKDOWN! however, insisted the match to happen at SMACKDOWN! instead. Some wrestling enthusiasts say that the decision was made because The Great Khali lacked in-ring abilities and would therefore be unsuccessful in putting up a good contest for the audience at the Great American Bash. The Real reason however was that The Great Khali was requiring surgery for both of his knees and the feud had to be ended early.
Memorable Memories: Khali with Undertaker (Knocked out)
Next week at SMACKDOWN! The Great Khali and The Undertaker went one on one for the Last Man Standing matchup, The Great Khali threw Undertaker through some tables but The Undertaker got up before the Ten count, after this, The Great Khali bought The Undertaker back to the ring and kept destroying him but couldnt make him fall to a ten count. The Undertaker then took charge and put Khali down, but Khali got back up on his feet, The Undertaker then smashed Khali through the steel steps and a lot of Chair shots and then Chokeslammed The Great Khali. The Undertaker, then, sat on the bottom turnbuckle out of exhaustion and watched The Great Khali's desperate attempts to get back on his feet. But since The Great Khali was bleeding because of the Chair shots, he couldn't get back up and The Undertaker thus won, which ended the feud between him and The Great Khali.
This was followed by some health issues for The Great Khali again (See the Health page). But by October his return was announced to be on The ECW Roster of WWE.
Continued on The ECW Page.
On 11th June 2007, The Great Khali was drafted to Smackdown when Edge defeated John Cena. Therefore Khali is back to SMACKDOWN!

The Great Khali's Early Wrestling Career

The Great Khali debuted his wrestling career in October, 2000 when All Pro Wrestling made his first match against a Tag Team in APW known as The West Side Playaz 2000. His in ring name was Dalip Singh at that particular point of time. His partner in the tag team was a wrestler named Tony Jones. He went on to win his debut match.
The Great Khali then continued wrestling in the All Pro Wrestling, and continued training with them, learning new ways to wrestle all the time. He made a lot of friends in the wrestling community while being at the APW. However on May 28, 2001, while training at the APW with the Great Khali, a wrestler named Brian Ong made a mistake while taking a flapjack from The Great Khali and suffered a concussion which caused his death. Although it was NOT a mistake of Khali neither was Khali the cause of Brain Ong's death. More details in the "Brian Ong Incident" page.
After Khali's contract with the All Pro Wrestling expired, he went to Japan with the Japanese Wrestling Legend Masahiro Chono to sign up with the New Japan Pro Wrestling, the largest and the most famous Professional Wrestling company of Asia. Khali was named "Giant Singh" for his appearances in NJPW. Also accompanying Khali was the Brazilian Giant Paul Silva, better known as The Giant Silva, the Giant Silva had previously made a one-time appearance on the World Wrestling Entertainment's RAW roster as well and was not new to Professional Wrestling.
The Great Khali in New Japan Pro Wrestling
Masahiro Chono, after getting both Khali and Silva signed up with New Japan Pro Wrestling, invented the Tag team between both of them known as "Club 7". This name was given to their tag Team, because both Khali and Silva were over Seven Feet Tall. Khali was an impressive 7'3" while Silva was just one inch short at 7'2". The Club 7 Tag team has the world record of being the tallest Tag Team in the history of pro wrestling. Their combined weight exceeded 800 pounds as well, making them almost invincible.
The first match of the Club 7 tag team was a six man handicap match, in which Club 7 emerged victorious after ruining each of the other four wrestlers one by one. After many other successful matches, the first defeat came for Khali in New Japan Pro Wrestling when the Japanese wrestler Hiroyoshi Tanzan pinned him after cradling. (Cradling a wrestler is an alternative form of the shoulder-to-the-mat pin, where the attacking wrestler lifts the legs of the wrestler being pinned and applies his strength and weight into forcing the wrestler's shoulders to be pinned to the mat). This happened in Tokyo on January 2002.
Club 7: From Left to Right: Giant Singh (Now known as The Great Khali, Masahiro Chono (Japanese Wrestling Legend) and Paul "Giant" Silva
Besides this loss, Khali also lost to Manabu Nakanishi after Manabu put up an awesome Wrestling display and pinned The Great Khali. This loss came in March, 2002. Shortly after, the Tag team of Club 7 came to an end and was followed by a feud between Khali and Silva. In August 2002, a Singles match was organized between Silva and Khali in which Silva defeated him in a pinfall.
He continued wrestling in Japan for some more time until he took a leave from wrestling and went to India where he spent time with his family. In 2004, he was approached with a proposal to act in the Hollywood film "The Longest Yard". More details can be found in "The Great Khali in Showbiz" page.
In January 2006, World Wrestling Entertainment took notice of Khali and put him in a contract.
Continued in "WWE and The Great Khali"


The Great Khali's real name is Dalip Singh Rana. He was born on 27th August 1972 in a poor family of the Dhirana village in Himachal Pradesh, his parents weren't as tall as he is today, but his Grandfather was a tall person of over Six Feet Six inches. He had Seven other brothers and sisters, and was the third oldest among them in age.
He didn't attend much school due to poverty but because of his exceptional growth and power, he started working as a Roadside stone breaker at a young age on daily wages to provide bread for his poor family. As he grew up he started playing various sports and prooved to be a really good sportsman. He also took interest in Body building and carved his body in a wonderful shape, at this time he was still working as a Roadside laborer.
The Director General of Punjab police Mr. M.S. Bhullar (now retired) saw Dalip and his talent in bodybuilding and decided to help him. He got Dalip a job in the Punjab Police as a constable in 1993. Due to the increased wages, Dalip got more financially relaxed and began putting more effort into bodybuilding. He also joined various Gyms and Boxing clubs in Jalandhar. After years of hard work and practice in the local gyms, he won the title of Mr. India in 1997 and 1998 out of hundreds of other participants , which gave him a huge boost in terms of confidence and popularity and he quickly became an icon for the youth of Punjab. In 1999, with due support from his colleagues and family, Dalip Singh went to United States of America on a Work permit and joined the wrestling school of All Pro Wrestling. Where he was kept in training for a few months, here he learnt how to use different wrestling moves safely and how to receive them as well, because of his hard working and quick learning attitude, he was made to debut in the year 2000 at All Pro Wrestling.
Wrestling Career of the Great Khali Continued in The Great Khali's Wrestling Career page.

intro of giant

Welcome to the Great Khali's Fan site, here you will find all the information related to The Great Khali (Dalip Singh) who is a famous wrestler currently on a contract with the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), United States of America. The Great Khali is currently appearing on the RAW! Roster of WWE and has previously appeared in the DSW, Smackdown and ECW brands of WWE as well.The Great Khali is often referred to as "The Strongest Man of India" and has made his country proud on the International Wrestling Scene. He is one of the very few Indians to make it to the International Professional Wrestling scene. The only other Indian currently wrestling professionally is Ritesh Bhalla who wrestles under the name of Sonjay Dutt in the TNA (The Wrestler Sabu is billed as being from India but he is neither an Indian nor has any Indian ancestry)
The Great Khali hails from the Dhirana village of Himachal Pradesh (India) and currently resides at Jalandhar in the Punjab State of India. He is one of the tallest and most powerful wrestlers ever to set foot in the World Wrestling Federation, with only Giant Gonzales (also referred to as El Gigante) being taller. The Great Khali has wrestled throughout the world, including Japan, where he is regarded as a popular wrestling icon.
The Great Khali has also worked in a film in Hollywood called The Longest Yard. The film enjoyed considerable success and Khali played his part well.
Khali's fan site aims at keeping people updated with all the latest news on The Great Khali, our website also has The Great Khali wallpapers, Ringtones, Videos, Audios, Interviews and all other news that you require. So sit back and browse... the Lair of The Great Khali.
Moreover if you are a fan of the Great Khali you could leave a message over at the fans section and we will send your messages regularly by email and post to the Great Khali himself, if we get a response we will share that will the other fans too!